Welcome to the HHSEG Members Area where you can access members-only content such as notices and minutes of meetings or search our list of members.
Changes to your membership information
Please inform the Hon. Sec. and the Membership Sec of any change to your address, company name, e-mail address or the name of the company representative due to retirement or job change. It is especially important to notify the Membership Secretary ASAP if there is a change to your e-mail address.
Renewing your subscription
When renewing your subscription, check that your accounts department has paid the subscription fee. If payment is by BACS, please include your membership number or name. Please pay subscriptions promptly as the fees are used to pay for projects that members can benefit from.
If you need to present an invoice to your accounts department to arrange payment please download and fill out this proforma invoice:
Download: HHSEG Membership Renewal Invoice Template
Notices of forthcoming meetings